Corporate Sponsorship

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Operation Code is pleased to invite America's leading technology companies to become shared value sponsors. Please join us and help make our mission a success. Together, we will create a new and secure future for today's veterans and military spouses.

The largest national volunteer service organization devoted to software engineering.
Direct and indirect access to military veterans and spouses for surveying or hiring purposes.
Potential partnerships with national and local meetups. Help us create a community at a city near you.
An authentic and vibrant community. Your sponsorship will have a very noticeable and organic impact.
Employee Engagement

Provide opportunities for software engineers to mentor new learners and contribute to open source projects. Engage with veterans and military spouse employees in your organization - share their story; loud and proud.

Talent Management

Build a talent pipeline between your company and transitioning service members with technical skills and security clearances. Our community is skilled, motivated, and diverse - they will bolster any workforce.


Marketing opportunities for national online and local community engagement Community activation opportunities and online recognition via social media and long-form content.

Gold Sponsor

National benefits include branding recognition in national Slack community, open source program sponsorship, national employee engagement activities, plus all above.

Silver Sponsor

Three local chapter sponsorships of choice, complete with marketing, employee engagement and talent pipeline opportunities, plus all above.

Bronze Sponsor

Sponsor one chapter and support your local Operation Code community for the year, including events, training, and networking opportunities.

These sponsors have donated cash to help keep the mission going here at Operation Code. They may or may not have also donated to our cause via others means.

The following organizations have helped Operation Code through services, products, advertisements, scholarships, or sponsorships. We thank them for their contributions.